東京工業大学 環境社会理工学院融合理工学系  地球環境共創コース

MURAYAMA Laboratory

Major in Global Eng. for Development, Enviroment and Society


Intl. Assoc. for Impact Assessment, 36th Annual Meeting in Nagoya





"Content Analysis of National EIA Reports in China" (Jiaying Xu, Takehiko Murayama, Shigeo Nishikizawa), Journal of Environmental Information Science, 44(5), pp.45-50, 2016

"Environmental impact assessment system in Thailand and its comparison with those in China and Japan" (Kultip Suwanteep, Takehiko Murayama, Shigeo Nishikizawa), Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 58, pp.12-24, 2016


"The Social and Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbine Power Plants in Thailand" (Chanokporn SMUTHKALIN, Takehiko MURAYAMA and Shigeo NISHIKIZAWA), Journal of Environmental Information Science, 43(5), pp.125-132, 2015


沿岸域の丘陵地帯における風力発電施設による社会影響の発生要因」(半田 哲也 , 錦澤 滋雄 , 村山 武彦)、環境情報科学学術研究論文集(28)、pp.43-48、2014

除染対策と合意形成(第3部|福島、再生へ向けて)」、建築雑誌 129(1655)、pp.42-43、2014

地熱発電開発に対する地域における社会的受容性の要因分析 : 柳津西山地熱発電所と小国地熱発電所計画を事例として 」(上地 成就 , 村山 武彦 , 錦澤 滋雄)、環境情報科学学術研究論文集 (27)、pp.283-288、2013

開発援助における環境社会配慮の現状と課題 (特集 地球環境資金問題) 」、環境研究 (171)、pp.132-138、2013

「米国・国家環境政策法(NEPA)における簡易アセスメントの特徴 」(錦澤 滋雄 , 岡島 雄 , 村山 武彦 ほか)、日本不動産学会誌 27(1)、pp.56-62、2013

「石綿問題総合対策研究会の設立と第1回研究会」、化学物質と環境 (119), pp.13-15、2013

「放射線リスクをめぐるコミュニケーション」、建築雑誌 128(1640), p.57、2013



「アスベスト問題の展開と日本的対応」、『[新通史]日本の科学技術 世紀転換期の社会史』(第4巻)、pp.508-522、原書房、2011

「放射線のリスクをめぐる情報提供やコミュニケーションの現状と課題--福島県を中心として (特集 東日本大震災と原発事故(シリーズ2))」、『環境と公害』、41(2)、pp.56-61、2011

「環境リスクと都市の脆弱性 : 外部依存性の観点から 」、『都市計画』、60(4)、pp.31-34、2011


「インドネシアにおけるアスベスト問題の現状と課題」、『政策科学(立命館大学政策科学会)』、 別冊「アスベスト問題特集号」pp.55-60、 2011

*「化学物質管理のためのリスクコミュニケーションに向けた事業者間の協力体制の方策」(鈴木伸知、村山武彦、原科幸彦)、『環境情報科学論文集』、 24、pp.451-456、2010

「ODAと環境社会配慮 -国際協力機構(JICA)の活動を中心に」、『環境と公害』、40(2)、pp.19-25、2010


「分社化による被害補償の実際と課題-ジョンズ‐マンヴィル社によるアスベスト被害の事例から」、『環境と公害』、    39(2)、pp.27-31、2009







*“Estimation of future mortality from pleural malignant mesothelioma in Japan based on an age-cohort model” (Takehiko Murayama, Ken Takahashi, Yuji Natori, Norio Kurumatani), American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49(1), 1-7, 2006




*「PRTRデータを用いたリスクコミュニケーションの現状に関する実証分析」(村山武彦・佐々木慎也)、環境情報科学論文集、18、319-324、 2004






「環境行動に向けての参加の仕組みを考える(特集 環境行動)」、『環境情報科学』、28(4), 2-7, 2000

「公共事業における住民との合意形成-廃棄物処理施設の立地を例に(特集 成熟社会の社会資本整備)」、『自治体学研究』、79、42-48、1999


「環境管理・監査システムの国際規格化と企業の対応-福島県内の電機・電子業界を対象にして-」(村山武彦・野中文典)、『福島大学地域研究』、9 (2)、51-66、1997

*「地域づくりのための住民と行政との相互学習システムの効果分析-地域リーダーの意識変化に着目して-」(村山武彦・村井隆士・原科幸彦)、『計画行 政』、19(4)、60-70、1996

「防災アセスメントの現状と課題」、『地震災害に関する社会科学的研究-阪神大震災を中心にした総合研究-』、1995年度福島大学特定研究、55- 64、1996

 “Evaluation of a Risk by Environment Pollution -Case of Airborne Asbestos Contamination-”, Discussion Paper in Dept. of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, No.94-02, 14pp, 1994

*「製品ライフサイクルからみたリサイクルシステムの効果分析~PETボトルのエネルギー消費量に着目して~」(阿部直也・村山武彦・原科幸彦)『環境情 報科学論文集』、7、105-109、1994

"Evacuation Procedure Analysis after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident" (Takehiko Murayama, Fumino Iizuka, Hamza El-Asaad), NERIS Workshop, Milano, 2015

"Impact of radioactive waste after nuclear disaster - Controversy on siting process of disposal facilities -", IAIA Annual Meeting, Firenze, 2015

"Issues on Nuclear Disasters and Emergency Evacuation", Japan- Euro Workshop on Nuclear Disasters and Emergency Evacuation, Tokyo, 2015

"Asbestos Issues in Asia", International Conference on Asbestos Issues, Kyoto, 2015

"Why did asbestos disaster spread out in Japan", International conference expedite Asia to be free from asbestos hazard, Bangkok, 2014

"Siting process of disposal facilities for radioactive wastes in surrounding regions of Fukushima prefecture", NERIS Workshop, Tromso, Norway, 2014

"Environmental Disaster and Challenge for Preparedness in Japan", International Conference on Environmental Disasters, Inchon, 2014

"Analysis of Evacuation Procedure after the Accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant" (Takehiko Murayama, Fumino Iizuka, Hamza El-Asaad), Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference(PBNC), 2014

"Evacuation Procedure Analysis after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident" (Takehiko Murayama, Fumino Iizuka, Hamza El-Asaad), Asia Risk Conference, Taipei, 2014

"Siting process of disposal facilities for radioactive wastes in surrounding regions of Fukushima prefecture", NERIS Workshop, Oslo, 2014

"Environmental Assessment in Thailand - Trend of EIA and Trial of SEA" (Kultip Suwanteep, Takehiko Murayama), Regional EIA symposium, Hong Kong, 2014

"Current Situation and Issues on Stakeholders Involvement for Decontamination Measures of Radioactive Substances", Japan-Korea-China Tripartite Workshop of Impact Assessment, Chiba, 2013

”Stakeholder involvement for radioactive decontamination in Fukushima”, IAIA, Annural Meeting, Calgary, 2013

"Risk communication activities for radiation risks in Fukushima", Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting, 2012

"Integration of environmental impact assessment and risk management", Japan-UK Workshop on Policy Integration of Impact Assessment and Disaster Management, Chiba, 2012

"Social impact of radiation risk and stakeholder involvement in decontamination activities", NERIS Workshop, Oslo, 2012

"****", Meeting of Ban Asbestos Network, Bangkok, 2012

"Social impacts induced by radiation risk", Japan-Korea-China Tripartite Workshop of Impact Assessment, Korea, 2012

"Social impacts induced by radiation risk in Fukushima”, International Association for Impact Assessment, Annual Meeting, 2012

"JICA’s Advisory Committee: Benefi ts and challenges” (with Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Kiyoshi Masumoto and Noriko Sakurai), International Association for Impact Assessment, Annual Meeting, 2012

"Integration of Accidental Risk Assessment and EIA”, International Association for Impact Assessment, Conference on Strategic Environmental Assessment, Prague, 2011

* “Scientific and Technological Development for Sustainability (Panel Discussion)”, Interdisciplinary and Sustainable Spaces Forum, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011

* “Environmental Risk Management from a Multidisciplinary viewpoint”, Interdisciplinary and Sustainable Spaces Forum, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011

* “Why Did The Asbestos Disaster Spread?”, International Academic Conference on Asbestos Problems in Asia, Kyoto, Japan, 2010

* “Asbestos Issues in Indonesia” (Takehiko Murayama and Dwi Sawung Rukmono), International Academic Conference on Asbestos Problems in Asia, Kyoto, Japan, 2010

 “SEA in Japan -Environmental Assessment and Other Related Approaches”, China-Japan Joint Workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment, Dalian, China, 2010

 “Spatial Mapping of Asbestos- Related Cancers in Japan -based data from workers insurance-“, The Scientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), Taipei, Taiwan, 2010

 * “Practice of Environmental Guidelines for Survey on Project formation - Case of JETRO –“, International Association for Impact Assessment, 2010 Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010

* “Historical Review of Asbestos Industrialization, Hazard Identification, and Legal Measures - Why Asbestos Disaster Spread In Japan?”, Preventing Emerging Occupational and Environmental Risks in South Asia and Beyond, Delhi, India, 2009

“Japanese Experience on Environmental Guidelines-Role of Review Committee of JICA”, International Association for Impact Assessment, 2009 Annual Meeting, Accra, Ghana, 2009

 * “Spatial Mapping of Asbestos Related Cancers in Japan”, International Conference on Industrial Risks, Labor and Public Health, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009

“Effects and Lessons of Environmental and Social Consideration of JICA”, International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Annual Meeting, Perth, Australia, 2008

“Area-Wide Risk Communication: Japan Case -Simulation and Discussion on Environmental Risks of Chemical Substances” (Takehiko Murayama, Masaru Kitano and Jun Sekizawa), Risk Symposium 2008; Effective Risk Communication: Tools, Theory and Applications, Santa Fe, US, 2008

“Proactive Attitude and Implicit Anxiety: Experience of Chemical Risk Communication in Japan”, Society for Risk Analysis, 2005 Annual Meeting, 2005

“Global Environments, the Commons and NIMBY” (Donald Munton and Takehiko Murayama), The 46th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Honolulu, US, 2005

“Social Attitude and Communication on Siting Process of Risk-Related Facilities”, Society for Risk Analysis, 2000 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, US, 2000

“Societal Management on water Resources with Wide Regional Disposal of Industrial Waste”, Proceedings of International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Research: Towards the 21st Century (vol.II), 279-286, Kyoto, Japan, 1996

“Urban Concentration and Imbalance of Risk-Sharing”, Society for Risk Analysis, 1995 Annual Meeting, Hawaii, US, 1995

“Influence of Housing Conditions on Urban Residents’ Health and Behavior (Takehiko Murayama and Sachihiko Harashina)”. Selected Paper in “Final Report for 29th Congress of International Society of City and Regional Planners”, 74-82, 1994

『都市・地域の持続可能性アセスメント 人口減少時代のプランニングシステム』(分担)、原科幸彦・小泉秀樹編著、学芸出版社、2015


“Why Did the Asbestos Disaster Spread? (Takehiko Murayama and Yuji Natori) in "Asbestos Disaster: Lessons from Japan's Experience, Springer, 2011

『アジア環境白書2010/11』(第3章「人類は教訓を生かせるのか:世界からアジアに集中するアスベスト」) 、日本環境会議/「アジア環境白書」編集委員会編、東洋経済新報社、2010


『エコロジストの時間』(担当箇所「国際協力機構(JICA)の環境社会配慮審査に関わって」)、環境アセスメント協会編、東海大学出版会、32-35、 2008




“Not in my backyard (NIMBY) Issue” (Donald Munton and Takehiko Murayama) in Social issues in America: An Encyclopedia, , Sharpe Reference (New York, US), 2006



『自治体改革3 自治体政策のイノベーション』(分担、担当箇所「環境・廃棄物政策の動向」)、今井照編著、ぎょうせい、2004

『リスクコミュニケーションの最新動向を探る』(担当章:「環境リスクをめぐるコミュニケーション」、「マスメディアとリスクコミュニケーションの研究紹 介」)、関澤純編著、化学工業日報社、2003

 “Information for Decision-Making, in Regional Sustainable Development Review: Japan”, edited by Yukio Himiyama, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, 2003

『分権の光 集権の影(続・地方分権の本流へ)』(分担、担当箇所「住民と作るごみ処理システム」)、木佐茂男・五十嵐敬喜・保母武彦編著、日本評論社、 2003

『新領域 土木工学ハンドブック』(分担、担当箇所 リスクアセスメント)、朝倉書店、2002


『新領域土木工学ハンドブック』(分担、第Ⅳ部第22章 環境評価・政策:リスクアセスメント)、朝倉書店、2002


『改訂版 環境アセスメント』(分担)(原科幸彦編著)、放送大学教育振興会、2000

 “Hazardous Waste Disposal as it relates to a Japanese Risk Management System -Typical Cases of Problem Sites and Contaminants-”, in Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology, McGraw-Hill (New York, US), Chap.13, 9-26, 2000

 “Risk Management in View of Economic Aspects”, in Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology, McGraw-Hill (New York, US), Chap.17, 28-40, 2000

 “Environmental Reporting in Japan: Current Status, Implication of ISO14001, and a Pollutant Release Inventory”, in Sustainable Measures -Evaluation and Reporting of Environmental and Social Performance, M. Bennett and P. James with L. Klinkers (eds.), Greenleaf Publishing (Sheffield, UK), 365-376, 1999.



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